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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Eating the Words

The idea of blogging about the food I'm cooking has been simmering long and slow for years. Today, I do it. My food is honest, fast and furious. I resent the recipe and I cook with instinct. This has lead to disaster and epiphany. I want to blog about food because, aside from my family, it makes up my foundation. When I am stressed or bored or angry, I cook.

This blog also marks our attempts to cook and eat honest food. Most recently, Glenn and I listened to a CBC Ideas podcast called Have Your Meat and Eat It Too. More than any other, this podcast really changed the way we thought about our food. Glenn and I have long toyed with the idea of eating locally and organically and even with vegetarianism, but the ideas always seemed intellectual and abstract until this podcast.

The factory model of meat production accounts for over 51% of all greenhouse emissions. More important than how we travel and what car we drive is what type of meat and how much of it we choose to eat. On average, Americans (and I can only assume Canadians are not as different from our southern cousins as we'd like to think) eat..wait for it...150 times the amount of chicken they did 50 years ago.

More visceral is the ethical question of how the factory model treats the meat before it becomes meat. The conditions under which cows, pigs and chickens are farmed go against everything we know to be right. I will not gore you with the details but do give the podcast a listen. It is enlightening and empowering.

So, what is a meat-loving foodie to do? We resolve to eat meat only as a treat and the meat we eat will be honestly grown.

This is our attempt to document our new food adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta say your photos are as fabulous as your food!
