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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cooking in the Future Tense

We stopped going to Macdonald's 6 years ago after watching Super Size Me. We started our boycott ostensibly because of the Golden Arches' food and employment practices. The subtleties of social and environmental responsibility is difficult to explain. When Weijin and Jian were younger and asked, we answered in simple terms: we don't go to Macdonalds because it is not a good company. It does not treat people very well and it does not care about the world. Much to our horror ( was blatant amusement!), we overhead Jian (who was 3 at the time) telling one of her playments that "we don't go to MacDonald's because they hit and they swear and they spit." It may not be entirely true but it isn't false either.

At the end of the day, we want the girls to know that there is a responsibility to eating and the choices we make. We want them to have a relationship with food and to see the magic of putting together a dish from beginning to end.

We are having friends over for dinner tonight and Jian and Weijin insisted on making dessert. What you see here are their efforts, with minimal moral and clean up support from their management team.

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs
2 cups self rising flour
few drops red food colouring
3 tbsp cocoa power

1. Preheat oven to 35o F
2. Whip butter and sugar until light and fluffy
3. Add vanilla and eggs one at a time and beat well
4. Stir in flour until just blended
5. Divide into 3 bowls: add colouring to one bowl and cocoa to another, leaving one bowl white.
6. Grease pan
7. Spoon three mixtures into pan and swirl with chopstick
8. Bake 40 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

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